We provide licensing services for underground resources processing rights


Underground resources licensing

Underground resources processing license  (недра) is a special official state document that allows its holder to use a specific area of strictly defined scope for a certain purpose within a set amount of time.

Registration of the underground resources research license is a fairly difficult and energy-consuming process, which includes a number of mandatory steps, stipulated by the legislation in force.

Licensing and preparatory research works cost

This chart contains information about the estimated period of execution and the cost of the most typical types of services
Type of a service Estimated period (days) Cost (rub)
1 Drilling and source water protection project 15 80 000
2 Reconciliation of the project in Rospotrepnadzor 30 60 000
3 Reconciliation of source water protection reduction 30 50 000
4 Well hole plugging project 15 80 000
5 Well data restoration, certification of the well 30 60 000
6 Registration or withdrawal of well holes in the Territorial Geological Fund 30 50 000
7 Underground resources rights licensing 90 75 000
8 Estimation of groundwater resources with Juridical protection 120 150 000

  • Obtaining a license for underground resources exploitation with the objective purpose of “geological research of an underground area for the arrangement of water supply for a facility” (research and estimation of underground water resources;
  • Registration of geological research arrangements act in the state geological research of underground resources registry;
  • Development of the project of underground water resources estimation, followed by submission of the project to the State commission;
  • Well drilling;
  • Development of the project for sanitary protection zones followed by agreement wit the supervisory authorities;
  • Underground water resources estimation, followed by submission of underground resources data for examination;
  • Submission of the underground water resources estimation data to Rosgeolfond and territorial fund of geological information;
  • Receiving a license for underground resources exploitation with the purpose of underground water resources utilization.

You should consider two points on this regard. If you opt for a shallow sandpoint well, you won’t need any permissive papers for such well. But, if you need an artesian well, you will require a license for underground resources exploitation for that. Therefore, now you’re informed about a licensing of small water wells drilling.

Administrative liability for unlicensed underground resources exploitation is imposed by the article 7.3 of Russian Federation’s Code of Administrative Offenses. The penalty for unlicensed water resources exploitation amounts up to:
·3000-5000 rubles for citizens
·30000–50000 rubles for officials
·800 000 - 1 000 000 rubles for legal entities
Besides, according to the article 49 of “Underground resources” federal law, the pursuit of law offenders does not exempt an individual from the duty of correcting the violation. Therefore, the offender is obliged to obtain a license for the borehole or eliminate it, after paying a fine.

Main activities

Industrial well drilling

Industrial well drilling

Technological processes that occur in the majority of industrial enterprises require large volumes of water for technical purposes. In some cases connecting the facilities to the centralized water infrastructure is downrigh impossible.

Well drilling services for private customers

Well drilling services for private customers

Well drilling services are gaining an increasing attention nowadays resulting from dynamic development of suburbian areas. This is considered the most effective and simple means for providing your land lot with the necessary equipment.

Water supply systems for private customers

Water supply systems for private customers

Water distribution for a private house is an open issue for a majority of landowners. Some land lots have access onty to irregullar water supply, while certain areas don’t have any centralized water infrastructure available at all.



Along with prompt and high-quality services, our Company offers attractive discounts.

Discounts apply to all services and equipment offered by the Company. We give a free-of-charge customer card entitling to progressive discount of 3, 5 and 10% to each customer who contacts our Company and signs a contract or several contracts with us.