About Us

We, AquaGeo Holding, welcome you to Our Companys website, hoping that this web resource will be helpful in provoding a solution to many of your problems and tasks.

Today AquaGeo Holding is an efficient and advancing Russian construction company, dynamically developing in Russias water industry in accordance with global industrial trends.

Starting with 2001, AquaGeo Holding has been successfully upholding its high standarts on Russias goods and services market, providing a significant contribution to success of our business partners, which is a keystone to prosperity for any modern state.



Main activities

Industrial well drilling

Industrial well drilling

Technological processes that occur in the majority of industrial enterprises require large volumes of water for technical purposes. In some cases connecting the facilities to the centralized water infrastructure is downrigh impossible.

Well drilling services for private customers

Well drilling services for private customers

Well drilling services are gaining an increasing attention nowadays resulting from dynamic development of suburbian areas. This is considered the most effective and simple means for providing your land lot with the necessary equipment.

Water supply systems for private customers

Water supply systems for private customers

Water distribution for a private house is an open issue for a majority of landowners. Some land lots have access onty to irregullar water supply, while certain areas don’t have any centralized water infrastructure available at all.



Along with prompt and high-quality services, our Company offers attractive discounts.

Discounts apply to all services and equipment offered by the Company. We give a free-of-charge customer card entitling to progressive discount of 3, 5 and 10% to each customer who contacts our Company and signs a contract or several contracts with us.