Sand well design

Sand well (well with screen)
Interesting fact: A sandpoit well is a water well that exploits an aquifer confined in small freshwater lenses or massive groundwater reservoirs. These geological foundations are fairly rare, so the is a high chance that the drilling will be unsuccessful. Sandpoit well is drilled quickly, taking a day at most, usually reaching only small depth of 15 to 35 meters (45 to 65 meters on a rare occasion), and making it cost less than a limestone well. At the bottom, water pipes are equipped with a reticulated filter made of stainless steel or synthetic net fabric that filters sand grains. Useful life and water discharge of a well is estimated at 15 years when used continuously. Lifespan of the well also depends on the size of coarse-grained, fine-grained and dusty sand fractions, as well as the fluctuations of groundwater level. The capacity of a sandpoint well is 1 cubic meter per hour at maximum when using a 133mm liner pipe.
You give us a call, book a call-back or submit a well drilling request online.
We provide you with a free consultation, determine required drilling depth and suitable well design, and settle the commencement date of drilling works.
We sign a contract online, in our office or at the location of your facility, providing an advance payment in the amount of 50% of estimated well depth.
We conduct all required drilling works according to the contract. (A sample of the contract). ).
We sign an acceptance act for the works executed under this contract. You receive a technical passport for the water well with a detailed layout of technical data and parameters of the well. (A sample of the passport) ), где указываются все технические характеристики и параметры скважины.
A full payment for provided services will be effected within three days after the signing of the acceptance act, you make a final payment for the well installation and drilling works.
Arranging a visit from our specialist to the drilling site - free.
Transportation of a drilling rig and subsidiary special equipment to the drilling site.
Well drilling, pipe casing (metal or plastic).
Pumping out dirtied water until it’s pure
Handing out a technical passport of the equipment installed
1- year warranty for the well
Technological processes that occur in the majority of industrial enterprises require large volumes of water for technical purposes. In some cases connecting the facilities to the centralized water infrastructure is downrigh impossible.
Well drilling services are gaining an increasing attention nowadays resulting from dynamic development of suburbian areas. This is considered the most effective and simple means for providing your land lot with the necessary equipment.
AquaGeo Holding is offering services in designing industrial facilities of any level of complexity. Our company’s team consists of skilled professionals capable of…
Water distribution for a private house is an open issue for a majority of landowners. Some land lots have access onty to irregullar water supply, while certain areas don’t have any centralized water infrastructure available at all.
Along with prompt and high-quality services, our Company offers attractive discounts.
Discounts apply to all services and equipment offered by the Company. We give a free-of-charge customer card entitling to progressive discount of 3, 5 and 10% to each customer who contacts our Company and signs a contract or several contracts with us.